The presentation on the productive use of renewable energies in rural Africa responds to a real local development need. During this Webinar, the situation of the world energy will be presented before that of renewable energies. The potentiel in renewable energies (Solar, Wind, hydroelectric, biomass) will be shown. Following this clarification, the presentation will highlight the energy deficit of Africa, especially sub-Saharan Africa, and the gaps between geographical areas. There is a big potential development in the rural worlds (agricultural, livestock, fishing, etc..). Therefore, it is more a matter of how to develop an income-generating activity in rural areas and also how to improve productivity. This improvement in productivity necessarily involves modernizing primary activities, processing the products resulted from these activities and finally packaging with a view to marketing the processed products. At the end of the presentation, the public will learn the development sectors linked to renewable energies in Africa and how to take advantage of that.
Dr Thiam Mouhamadou. Enseignant-Chercheur, École Polytechnique de Thiès. Expert en efficacité énergétique et énergies renouvelables. Membre fondateur et inscrit au Réseau Africain des experts en efficacité énergétique (RA3E), section Sénégal.
Where and when:
Online from 4PM to 5PM30 (GMT)