The Organization for the Promotion of Education and Research, in collaboration with its Burkina Faso section (OPER-BF), granted a batch of computers and dock stations to the Secondary school ” Juvénat Saint Joseph de Saaba” on November 25, 2024. The students were very proud and thanks to the managers of the Organization and to the entire OPER team. These computers will improve the daily training and education of these students.

Donation of medical equipment to the BETHESDA healthcare practice in Mali

Visit of OPER’ s President to Joseph Ki-Zerbo University

Synthetic Biology for the discovery, development and production of high-value chemical compounds”: This was the theme of the conference hosted by Dr. Jean Paul Ouedraogo, President of OPER during his visit to Joseph Ki-Zerbo University from Ouagadougou on August 1, 2024. This visit also allowed the President of OPER to observe how the equipment granted by OPER are used in this university and to discuss education and research matter with researchers and students.

Visit of OPER’ s General Secretary to Nazi Boni University

On Thursday April 4, 2024, through its General Secretary, Dr Yves Séré, OPER proceeded to the donation of laboratory equipment worth 40 million CFA to the Nazi Boni University in Burkina Faso. This donation is to support education and research in the field of genetic and biotechnology. At the same time, Dr Séré hosted a conference on gene therapy to the scientific community and students of Nazi Boni University.

“This batch of lab equipment will help improve the quality of training and research at Nazi-Boni University, in biotechnology in general,” rejoiced the vice-president in charge of research, of foresight and international cooperation at Nazi-Boni University, Professor Jean Louis Zerbo

Enseignement supérieur : Des équipements de biotechnologie pour l’université Nazi-Boni de Bobo-Dioulasso –

On Saturday February 10, 2024, OPER gave as donation a first batch of Office Chairs to the Youth Center of Saint Constant ( This action of OPER aims to support the local community in Canada with the aim of strengthening tolerance, acceptance and understanding of differences. This first donation comes at the right time for the Maison Des Jeunes de Saint-Constant, which was looking for office furniture for their new Office. OPER supports the actions of MDJ in the integration and education of our young people.

The Organization for the Promotion of Education and Research (OPER) offered a batch of laboratory equipment stimated at 80 millions Franc CFA to Joseph Ki-Zerbo University in Burkina Faso to support education and research in the field of Biological sciences

The Organization for the Promotion of Education and Research (OPER) offered a batch of laboratory equipment to Nazi Boni University to support education and research in Biochemistry and Microbiology

OPER offers digital thermometers to the Regional Hospital Center (CHR) of Ziniaré. An important help for patients, especially in pediatrics